Monday, September 30, 2019
Introduction to Social Sciences
Topic of study ââ¬â Sociologist and Psychologist ââ¬Å"Do people from deferent background Influence they choice of school they go to? â⬠This topic Is derived from the article, which states: ââ¬Å"What we are seeing Is that the students who are going to some of the more brand-name schools, they're all coming from a certain backgroundâ⬠¦ Expanded financial help for students who are keen to enter top independent schools but are put off for fear they cannot afford it or fit in. This might be of interest to both sociologist and psychologist, looking at the activities/ behavior of small groups at ground level, both will then examine whether what is mound on small scale applies on large scale. 1. 1 Sociologist Approach For sociologist, the question they might ask could be: ââ¬Å"How did this social idea comes about? ââ¬Ë Sociologists study the social norms and values, and also social processes like formation of power and status relationship. In this case, they may be int erested to find out how come most students that are enrolled In elite schools are from better background.The social function for hilling practice might derive from schooling. It might be believed that students that graduated from an elite school have higher neighborhood school. This would then drive the parents who have adequate financial ability to enroll their children into a better school so that their child may have a better chance of getting employed in the future. As a result, students from better background will end up in top independent school as their parents can afford to put them through the education. 1. 2 Psychologist Approach As for psychologist, they may ask: ââ¬Å"How do groups influence human behavior? They are interested in how it will develop one's belief system. In this case, it is said that students from better background are enrolled in top schools. That being said, what ill happen if a student from normal background were to be awarded with study grant to be e nrolled in the elite school? If students from top schools are mostly from better background, they will start thinking that because they come from better background, they are entitled to go into this school. Consequently, will a student from normal background choose to enroll into the elite school, if given study grant?There could be fear of being ostracizes and not being able to fit in due to the differences. While both disciplines are concerned on the same topic, the emphasis on sociology is the individual in interaction with others. On the other hand, psychology focuses on the individual, which explains human behavior. 2. Topic of study ââ¬â Political Scientist and Economist ââ¬Å"How effective is introducing niche program able to accommodate multiple pathway of success? â⬠This might be of interest to both political scientist and economist as it both consists of decision making.The topic is derived from the article that mentioned: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Opportunity arises becau se we have been committed to this philosophy of many alternative ways of success. â⬠2. 1 Political Scientist Approach For political scientist, they study on who gets what, when and how. In short, they decide how the society should operate. They analyses the forms the institution takes and the process that emerge. Political scientists look at how the policy introduced will impact the situation. In this topic, the policy is introduced and time is taken to find out how effective is the proposed policy. . 2 Economist Approach For an economist, usually it decides on how to allocate scarce resources, deciding what to produce, how and for whom. In this case, they will be interested to know if the policy introduced will affect the labor market. With the program introduced, will it eve any significant impact on how the distribution, production, and consumption of might be an increase in new businesses emerging from graduates since the school they attended focuses on personal interest a nd competencies, rather than academic standing of school.On the other hand, there is also a concern whether Singapore will have enough Jobs to support the increase in graduates. 3. Social Science Discipline, Chosen Topic of Study and Hypothesis The social science discipline chosen to discuss in this essay will be sociology and the selected above topic: ââ¬Å"Do people from different background influence they choice of school they go to? â⬠3. 1 Hypothesis With this topic, the hypothesis formed is: ââ¬Å"Having a better background can influence the student's choice of selecting top schoolâ⬠. 3. Variables They key variables are ââ¬Å"better backgroundâ⬠, ââ¬Å"type of studentsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"choice of top schoolâ⬠Independent variable, which can be changed during the study, is ââ¬Å"Backgroundâ⬠. Different type of background can be chosen to study anytime. Background is chosen as it can affect the type of school a student enrolls into. Having a better background means student can afford to study in independent school. Dependent variable, which would be measured and counted in the study is ââ¬Å"Choice of top schoolâ⬠. Choice of top school means the results of what the student chosen.Will a student from better background choose to enroll into a normal school because of the extra-curriculum offered or will the student choose a top independent school because he/she knows that they can afford it? This is the variable that is observed during the study. Controlled variable, which is not changed throughout the study, is ââ¬Å"type of studentsâ⬠. The same type of students (graduating students who is at the stage of choosing their schools) is used for this study. It will not be fair if the students used are of different age group as they may have different maturity level in their way of thinking.Choosing the same age group of graduating students to study on the choice of school chosen to enrolled into will be the most desirabl e. 4. Developing Research Design This is the stage after hypothesis is formed. Decisions must be made about how best to obtain the data through research methods. By personalizing variables, questioned are asked to covert them into a form which is measurable or testable. In this topic, we are discussing about: ââ¬Å"Having a better background can influence the student's choice of schoolâ⬠.Do student has siblings or friends in the school they are enrolled in? ââ¬â This is to measure if the choice is affected by other factors such as peers. How many students enrolled in top independent schools come from better background? -This is to measure the past and existing patterns, whether the social structure is built in a way that it influences them to choose the school because ââ¬Ëit's the way. 4. 2 Research Methods To test and bolster hypothesis formed, there will be research carried out and the 2 hat will be discussed here will be Survey and Secondary Data Research. 4. . 1 Sur vey Research This method is used for establishing facts and subjects of research will be a statistically valid sample of a population. A series of questions will be asked to collect the data needed. Questionnaires will be designed in a way that does not lead the subject. No. Question What is the top factor in mind when choosing a school? (a) Affordability (c)Friends/siblings state: 2. (b) Vicinity (d) Rank of school Others, please If given a choice to enroll in any school, will an elite school be your choice? (a) Yes (b) No For both answers, please explain why: 3.Do you think it is important to be in a school you feel socially accepted? (a) Yes Once these questions are designed, the next step is to survey the sample population. This survey can only be used at the point of time when the student is preparing to enroll 4. 2. 2 Secondary Data Research This method of research gathers relevant information on one's research topic. One will be able to discover what other researchers have wr itten related to that topic and what research methods they have used. It can also be used to obtain other research studies/methods backup or contradict one's findings.As extracted from Ministry of Education Singapore Preliminary Replies, it shows that there is higher percentage of students from better background in top independent schools. With this backed up from a credible source, it supports the hypothesis that students from better background tend to be influenced and choose a top independent school. 5. Possible outcome of study This study shows that there is a possibility of social gap between the rich and poor in Singapore. Due to the influence that because students that comes from better background are choosing to enroll in brand-name schools, they think they are entitled to enter this school.This is a concern, as this social gap will also affect other factors such as the economic in Singapore. The income between rich and poor might widen, as the poor never got the chance to s tudy in a good school for a better Job in the future. Policymaking is vital in Singapore as it maintain order in a country. It is a good effort to introduce niche program in schools and taking steps to tear down any walls that may reinforce elitism in Singapore. Definitely, there will not be instant results shown on how effect a policy is but people must be willing to accept and give it time to work. Introduction to Social Sciences Topic of study ââ¬â Sociologist and Psychologist ââ¬Å"Do people from deferent background Influence they choice of school they go to? â⬠This topic Is derived from the article, which states: ââ¬Å"What we are seeing Is that the students who are going to some of the more brand-name schools, they're all coming from a certain backgroundâ⬠¦ Expanded financial help for students who are keen to enter top independent schools but are put off for fear they cannot afford it or fit in. This might be of interest to both sociologist and psychologist, looking at the activities/ behavior of small groups at ground level, both will then examine whether what is mound on small scale applies on large scale. 1. 1 Sociologist Approach For sociologist, the question they might ask could be: ââ¬Å"How did this social idea comes about? ââ¬Ë Sociologists study the social norms and values, and also social processes like formation of power and status relationship. In this case, they may be int erested to find out how come most students that are enrolled In elite schools are from better background.The social function for hilling practice might derive from schooling. It might be believed that students that graduated from an elite school have higher neighborhood school. This would then drive the parents who have adequate financial ability to enroll their children into a better school so that their child may have a better chance of getting employed in the future. As a result, students from better background will end up in top independent school as their parents can afford to put them through the education. 1. 2 Psychologist Approach As for psychologist, they may ask: ââ¬Å"How do groups influence human behavior? They are interested in how it will develop one's belief system. In this case, it is said that students from better background are enrolled in top schools. That being said, what ill happen if a student from normal background were to be awarded with study grant to be e nrolled in the elite school? If students from top schools are mostly from better background, they will start thinking that because they come from better background, they are entitled to go into this school. Consequently, will a student from normal background choose to enroll into the elite school, if given study grant?There could be fear of being ostracizes and not being able to fit in due to the differences. While both disciplines are concerned on the same topic, the emphasis on sociology is the individual in interaction with others. On the other hand, psychology focuses on the individual, which explains human behavior. 2. Topic of study ââ¬â Political Scientist and Economist ââ¬Å"How effective is introducing niche program able to accommodate multiple pathway of success? â⬠This might be of interest to both political scientist and economist as it both consists of decision making.The topic is derived from the article that mentioned: ââ¬Å"â⬠¦ Opportunity arises becau se we have been committed to this philosophy of many alternative ways of success. â⬠2. 1 Political Scientist Approach For political scientist, they study on who gets what, when and how. In short, they decide how the society should operate. They analyses the forms the institution takes and the process that emerge. Political scientists look at how the policy introduced will impact the situation. In this topic, the policy is introduced and time is taken to find out how effective is the proposed policy. . 2 Economist Approach For an economist, usually it decides on how to allocate scarce resources, deciding what to produce, how and for whom. In this case, they will be interested to know if the policy introduced will affect the labor market. With the program introduced, will it eve any significant impact on how the distribution, production, and consumption of might be an increase in new businesses emerging from graduates since the school they attended focuses on personal interest a nd competencies, rather than academic standing of school.On the other hand, there is also a concern whether Singapore will have enough Jobs to support the increase in graduates. 3. Social Science Discipline, Chosen Topic of Study and Hypothesis The social science discipline chosen to discuss in this essay will be sociology and the selected above topic: ââ¬Å"Do people from different background influence they choice of school they go to? â⬠3. 1 Hypothesis With this topic, the hypothesis formed is: ââ¬Å"Having a better background can influence the student's choice of selecting top schoolâ⬠. 3. Variables They key variables are ââ¬Å"better backgroundâ⬠, ââ¬Å"type of studentsâ⬠and ââ¬Å"choice of top schoolâ⬠Independent variable, which can be changed during the study, is ââ¬Å"Backgroundâ⬠. Different type of background can be chosen to study anytime. Background is chosen as it can affect the type of school a student enrolls into. Having a better background means student can afford to study in independent school. Dependent variable, which would be measured and counted in the study is ââ¬Å"Choice of top schoolâ⬠. Choice of top school means the results of what the student chosen.Will a student from better background choose to enroll into a normal school because of the extra-curriculum offered or will the student choose a top independent school because he/she knows that they can afford it? This is the variable that is observed during the study. Controlled variable, which is not changed throughout the study, is ââ¬Å"type of studentsâ⬠. The same type of students (graduating students who is at the stage of choosing their schools) is used for this study. It will not be fair if the students used are of different age group as they may have different maturity level in their way of thinking.Choosing the same age group of graduating students to study on the choice of school chosen to enrolled into will be the most desirabl e. 4. Developing Research Design This is the stage after hypothesis is formed. Decisions must be made about how best to obtain the data through research methods. By personalizing variables, questioned are asked to covert them into a form which is measurable or testable. In this topic, we are discussing about: ââ¬Å"Having a better background can influence the student's choice of schoolâ⬠.Do student has siblings or friends in the school they are enrolled in? ââ¬â This is to measure if the choice is affected by other factors such as peers. How many students enrolled in top independent schools come from better background? -This is to measure the past and existing patterns, whether the social structure is built in a way that it influences them to choose the school because ââ¬Ëit's the way. 4. 2 Research Methods To test and bolster hypothesis formed, there will be research carried out and the 2 hat will be discussed here will be Survey and Secondary Data Research. 4. . 1 Sur vey Research This method is used for establishing facts and subjects of research will be a statistically valid sample of a population. A series of questions will be asked to collect the data needed. Questionnaires will be designed in a way that does not lead the subject. No. Question What is the top factor in mind when choosing a school? (a) Affordability (c)Friends/siblings state: 2. (b) Vicinity (d) Rank of school Others, please If given a choice to enroll in any school, will an elite school be your choice? (a) Yes (b) No For both answers, please explain why: 3.Do you think it is important to be in a school you feel socially accepted? (a) Yes Once these questions are designed, the next step is to survey the sample population. This survey can only be used at the point of time when the student is preparing to enroll 4. 2. 2 Secondary Data Research This method of research gathers relevant information on one's research topic. One will be able to discover what other researchers have wr itten related to that topic and what research methods they have used. It can also be used to obtain other research studies/methods backup or contradict one's findings.As extracted from Ministry of Education Singapore Preliminary Replies, it shows that there is higher percentage of students from better background in top independent schools. With this backed up from a credible source, it supports the hypothesis that students from better background tend to be influenced and choose a top independent school. 5. Possible outcome of study This study shows that there is a possibility of social gap between the rich and poor in Singapore. Due to the influence that because students that comes from better background are choosing to enroll in brand-name schools, they think they are entitled to enter this school.This is a concern, as this social gap will also affect other factors such as the economic in Singapore. The income between rich and poor might widen, as the poor never got the chance to s tudy in a good school for a better Job in the future. Policymaking is vital in Singapore as it maintain order in a country. It is a good effort to introduce niche program in schools and taking steps to tear down any walls that may reinforce elitism in Singapore. Definitely, there will not be instant results shown on how effect a policy is but people must be willing to accept and give it time to work.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Idea of Progress Essay
Iââ¬â¢m going to talk about the notion Idea of progress. To begin with, Iââ¬â¢d like to give a definition of progress. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty, and quality of life. However, sometimes progress causes more problems than it solves . Consequently, we are going to weigh the positive and negatives aspects of progress, in science , in medicine and in new technologies. The idea of progress basically consists in believing that the world can become better in terms of art, science, technology, liberty and quality of life and has shaped most of Western civilisationââ¬â¢s vision of history . Progress implies change, some evolution from an old order with old traditions to a new order which is not necessarily embraced by all . Itââ¬â¢s at the heart oh a heated debate between those who approve of these changes and those who resist and criticize them in the name of tradition . As the rythm of progress seems to have accelerated these last few decades with an ever faster increase of major technological and scientific breakthroughs, the cult of novelty and progress is now being questioned . Indeed, a growing number of people voice their concern about the ethical, social and environmental consequences of such development and about the excesses of todayââ¬â¢s consumer society . ââ¬Å"
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Obesity in Kuwait Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Obesity in Kuwait - Essay Example It has hugely educated the public on the importance of eating habits credibility. In regard to making efforts to increase awareness about obesity, several organizations have been developed in the country. These organizations have trained and sensitized people on how to lead lifestyles which are healthy. Kuwait has been ranked second in obesity just behind United States of America. This is according to a recent study by the Imperial College London, Harvard University together with the World Health Organization. Various reasons for obesity problems in Kuwait have been brought about. Many people in Kuwait do not perform physical workouts and they eat junk foods which contain excess fats and calories. They have been able to spend any amount of money for tasty foods since they earn high incomes. Therefore this gives out a direct relationship with the problems of obesity in Kuwait. The higher the income, leads to the higher chances of being infected by obesity. This is the situation in Kuwait. Energy intake among the Kuwaitis is extremely more than what is actually required for a person according to Zaghloulââ¬â¢s study. This has been seen to be very much higher than the estimated requirements of energy for almost half of Kuwait children and one-third of adults. There has been an estimation of energy requirements that is exceeded by 78% -100% of the recommendations for protein and carbohydrates in respect to Kuwait situation. Majority of the energy drinks and foods contain excessive fat and sugar content which in turn bring about a problem of obesity in a human beingââ¬â¢s body. People, who earn high incomes in Kuwait, buy these foods and drinks items which are expensive and contain excess fats and calories. Among Kuwaitis, high income earners have been infected by obesity. Globalization has also led to an increase of obesity cases among the Kuwaitis. This is simply because, many peopleââ¬â¢s life styles
Friday, September 27, 2019
Choose the right topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Choose the right topic - Essay Example This change shifted focus from machine productivity to employee productivity, which in result developed the organizational management concept. The core of the organizational management concept is to find the best possible way for employees to mange their tasks. This concept is true for both production and service related organizations. Among many different aspects of organizational management, the compelling one is that refers to the art of getting people together on a common platform to make them work towards a common predefined goal (ââ¬Å"Organization Managementâ⬠). All organizational management aspects refer to four major theories of organizations and management, namely: classical theory, human relation theory, contingency theory, and modern system theory (ââ¬Å"The nature of Organizational Theoryââ¬â¢). Each of these theories is based on some assumptions supported by certain elements. The insights of the above selected aspect of organizational management should be view ed through the classifications of these theories. The classical theory is based on the assumptions that scientific analysis of organizational problems brings improvement, and a good worker is who accepts the order. The human relation theory also defined as neoclassical is based on the following assumptions (ââ¬Å"The nature of Organizational Theoryâ⬠)à · The organization can be defined as "a group of persons with a common objective," The psychological and social aspects of the worker as an individual and work group ought to be emphasized, If we fuse the assumptions of classical and neoclassical theories, we get the core philosophical concept of the insight of above-mentioned aspect of organizational management. The concept describes that an organization consists of the group of individuals with a common purpose; the mangers on behalf organization must pay attention to the psychological and social aspects of employees; improvement of organizational problems should be scientifi cally resolved, and good workers accept orders. In the above explanation, we observe, on one hand, organizationsââ¬â¢ position toward the employees, on the other hand, employeeââ¬â¢s attitude towards the organization in fulfilling the organizationââ¬â¢s goal. Once the core philosophical concepts are determined, it then remains to identify the method on how to implement the concept in reality. This perhaps can be achieved through the practical application of the supporting elements of classical and neo classical theoriesââ¬â¢ assumptions. The neoclassical theoryââ¬â¢s supporting elements are individual employee motivation and consideration of social aspects of the employees. The classical theoryââ¬â¢s supporting elements are principles of management and functions of management. The principles of management element include numerous parameters, of them important to mention are Division of work, Authority and Responsibility, Discipline, Unity of command, Unity of direc tion, Subordination to general interest, Remuneration, and equality. The functional management element is probably the key element of organizational management. Its parameters are planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. Once fused all parameters of the above described elements we can formulate the procedure required for the implementation of the insights of the compelling aspect of organiz
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Financial Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Financial Analysis - Assignment Example The Verizon Wireless products and services include the ââ¬Å"Wireless Voice and Data Servicesâ⬠and other ââ¬Å"Equipment Salesâ⬠all over the United States. The Verizon Wire line includes communication products and services such as the ââ¬Å"Voice, Internet access, Broadband video and data, Internet Protocol Network Services, Network Access and Long Distanceâ⬠services. Competitor The T-Mobile US, Inc. located in the Bellevue, Washington is chosen as the competitor of Verizon Communication Inc. T-Mobile US, Inc. (TMUS) is a recently launched company that has the potential to grow in the future. The company is working for the better and prompt services regarding the communications and providing the consumers reliable products and services. All the products and Services are of great quality and are working together to provide the customers to stick together with the ones they love. The SIC Code for T-Mobile is 4812. The company also deals in the Wireless and Wire line products and services. T-Mobile provides the ââ¬Å"Wireless Voice, Messaging and data services that are used by over a 293 million people all over America. Comparison The comparison of Version Communication Inc. and the competitor (T-Mobile US, Inc.) and the overall industry (Communication Industry) is done (Beaver, Correia and McNichols; Thomsett). Version communication Inc. is growing as the statistics show the profit margins are expanding at 7.57% yearly (2013). The returns on assets and equity are showing progress. The company is utilizing its assets and equity effectively. The revenues generated per share are 31.98 and the quarterly annual growth is 6.80%.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
What are the important milestones for executing business Essay
What are the important milestones for executing business - Essay Example The strategic plan is described as what gives specifications and directions to the execution of a strategy. It positions the business within the context of the segmented market created. All the individuals involved in the execution of the business strategy must also be involved in the planning stage to ensure that they understand the various elements of the strategy (Freeman, p79). This becomes critical in seeking to enhance the implementation process for the executive strategic plan. Involving the participants not only ensures they understand the plan but also accept the plan by perceiving it as something that they own. When the strategic planning approach is undertaken in the form of questions, answering these questions provides a comprehensive understanding of both the concept and the business as well. Once these have been understood the various milestones which should be achieved can be clearly identified, and solutions to these milestones developed and incorporated within the strategic plan. This article provides a clear discussion of the strategic planning process by explaining the steps involved in the process and the questions which one should seek to answer through
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Classical Mythology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Classical Mythology - Research Paper Example .., University of..., [Address] Contact: Abstract The present essay deals with various modes of portrayal of the character of Ancient Greek goddess, Aphrodite, in belles-lettres (fiction) in the course of progressive development of literature. It will be argued that the changes in perception of Aphroditeââ¬â¢s image have been connected with the gradual shifts from mythological through religious to modern philosophical outlook, and that in different epochs the character of Aphrodite was used to convey radically different discursive meanings. Keywords: history of literature, mythology, Ancient literature The Portrayal of Aphrodite in Literary Works since the Ancient Times till Post-Modernity Introduction There exist different interpretations of myths in the context of literary works, with Ruthven (1976) presenting an especially coherent view of the various aspects of myth in literature. The purpose of the present study will be to provide a complex analysis of changes in representati on of Aphrodite, the Ancient Greek goddess of love, sexuality and beauty, in literature. The temporal boundaries of the study extend all across the historical spectrum, with the representations of Aphrodite in Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque literature being expounded and compared. Consequently, the main body of the essay will be constructed in accordance with chronological order. The main purpose of the present study is to show the connection between evolution in perception of Aphrodite as a literary character and the changes in general outlook of writers, and the larger society as well. Therefore it should be noted that in order to understand the image of Aphrodite the connection between literature, mythology and religion needs to be assumed. Interpretation of the Image of Aphrodite in Ancient Literature The perception of character of Aphrodite in the period of antiquity was invariably tied to the mythological and broadly religious attributes and functions, which were a ssociated with this goddess. The very tale of her birth was closely connected with the concept of primal, chthonic powers that symbolized the notion of life force. For instance, according to Hesiod (Theog., 189-206), Aphrodite was born out of the seed of Uranus, when the latter was gelded by his son, Cronus, in a bid for power. When the seed of Uranus fell into the sea, it came into contact with the primal force of the Earth and from this Aphrodite was born. Her traditional epithet, Anadyomene (ââ¬Å"the one rising from the seaâ⬠), indicates that the connection between the concepts of primal life force and carnal love among humans was keenly felt by the Ancient Greeks of Hesiodean period. The association between the image of Aphrodite and the concept of primal life force in Hesiodean theogony is further substantiated by Hesiodââ¬â¢s mentioning that the Erynies and Gigantes were born at the same time as Aphrodite, albeit out of Uranusââ¬â¢s blood, not seed. This would mea n that initially Aphrodite was viewed as one of the oldest powers in the universum, rather than a mere progeny of Zeus. Further traces of archaic vision of Aphroditeââ¬â¢s nature and powers are enhanced by Hesiodââ¬â¢s mention of Aphroditeââ¬â¢s connection with Erotos, initially an ancient deity spawned by Chaos (Theog., 116). Erotos is later mentioned as a progeny of Aphrodite (Theog., 934), finally being depicted as a child-like god of love, rather than a potent chthonic entity. This reading of the image of Aphr
Monday, September 23, 2019
The influence of music to the influence of books Essay - 1
The influence of music to the influence of books - Essay Example In contrast, books also, to some extent, relax the reader. You can read whatever book you want to read adventure or love stories which will release you from all mental stress for some time and you will feel good. In a time like the one we are living in, books and music can influence a person positively and he may not give up. We can also see from the history that music (national songs) and books have influenced people to do things that one would never expect them to do. History reminds us of times when sometimes books, sometimes music and sometimes both of them have triggered the dormant passion of nations influencing them to unite and fight for their right. Books and music have sometimes transformed a crowd into a nation and that power has remained with and will always be with books and music. Books build the personality within a person giving him experience to the new fronts as well as carving the mental ability to encourage him to draw closer to the perfection that the world demands.. Books can even be used by those who are looking for answers in life. Many people report finding the perfect book to answer the burning questions in their minds. Music doesnââ¬â¢t answer those types of questions that books do; but music answers feeling or disturbed emotions looking for an outlet. When combined with dance, music comes to life in the dancer and audience. The fame of singing and dancing shows on TV is ample evidence for the more disciplined expressions of music. If a mentally disturbed person gets to listen to the correct type of music, he can unravel many tangles that bother him. Comparatively books answer speculative questions related to facts and figures. They increase the knowledge span of a person by letting him know what he doesnââ¬â¢t and enlightening his mind about the good and the bad
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Cemex Case Study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Cemex Case Study - Coursework Example In terms of markets, the developing countries of China and India may be seen as some of most important due to large scale cement consumption and production fuelled by large scale economic growth (OECD 2010, 2009). It may be expected that in future years as wealth becomes higher per capita in these markets, that demand begins to fall to levels seen in the developed world. In addition, the nature of products consumed in developing markets also varies from those of the developed world. Here there is a preference for pre-bagged building materials as opposed to bulk delivery, a trend which is reversed in developed markets. 2. In terms of global capacity, Cemex ranks as third with a capacity of 64.7 million tons, this compares to market leader Lafargeââ¬â¢s capacity of 108 million tons and Taiheiyo in sixth place at 37.9 million tons. Despite the capacity of the company, Cemex ranks as number one by market share in 9 of its key 13 markets and second in anther three. As such, Cemexââ¬â ¢s overall capacity lags behind the total demand for the companyââ¬â¢s products making the company a global sourcer. ... This however, may be seen as linked to the unique characteristics of such markets which have a propensity to favour local or national producers over the large international players such as Cemex. As such, despite being a global player, Cemex may still be seen as lacking a substantial presence in key regional markets in both Asia and Africa. 3. Overall, it would appear that Cemex after the current round of acquisitions is now a ââ¬Å"broadâ⬠player within the market for building products, while the firm had previously focused on cement (Jobber, 2007). Recent acquisitions has seen the company moving into both the aggregates and ready mixed concrete market. With regards to Cemexââ¬â¢s generic strategy, it would appear that the company follows a cost leadership model (Porter, 2004). This can be seen in the so called ââ¬Å"Cemex wayâ⬠in which on making an acquisition the company attempts to implement a two way process of rationalisation taking the best and most cost effect ive practises from both the parent company and the acquisitioned company and then implementing the most cost effective. There is however, one area in which Cemex may be seen as developing a differentiated strategy. In the market for bagged cements, Cemex was the first producer to developed a ââ¬Å"brandedâ⬠option, thus making the product more attractive in the lucrative home build market segment. In addition, the company also makes small local changes to the produce based upon customer perceptions of quality. For instance while the Egyptian market shows a preference for darker colours cements, Cemexââ¬â¢s home markets in South America require a lighter coloured product. Despite this attempt to differentiate the product, it would appear that the market as a whole is
Saturday, September 21, 2019
A brief history of science education in ghana from the colonial era to present day Essay Example for Free
A brief history of science education in ghana from the colonial era to present day Essay Science education is the cultivation and disciplining the mind and other faculties of an individual to utilize science for improving his life, cope with an increasingly technological world, or pursue science academically and professionally, and for dealing responsibly with science related social issues (Akpan, 1992). Ghana, formerly known as the Gold Coast, was the first African country to the south of the Sahara to gain political independence from colonial rule in 1957. This former British colony of 92,000 square miles (about 238,000 square kilometers) shares boundaries with three French-speaking nations: the Cote dIvoire to the west, Burkina Faso to the north and Togo to the east. The Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean is to the south of the country. EARLY HISTORY OF EDUCATION BEFORE INDEPENDENCE As was the case in many colonies during the early colonial period, the main goal of education was to ââ¬Ëmake civilization march hand-in-hand with evangelizationââ¬â¢ (Anum ââ¬âOdoom, 2013). This statement gives a clear description of how education in Ghana was implemented at that time. The formal, western-style education in Ghana is directly associated with the history of European activities on the Gold Coast The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive at the Guinea coast in 1471. Their intention to establish schools was expressed in imperial instructions that, in 1529, encouraged the Governor of the Portuguese Castle at Elmina to teach reading, writing, and the Catholic religion to the people. It is imply proven that the Danish, Dutch and the English merchants also set up schools in their forts and castle to educate their mulatto children by native women. Unmistakably linked to the implementation of formal education in Ghana with the Christian missionaries, who realized that in order to spread the word of God, they needed well- educated local assistants. Following the consolidation of the coastal region as the British Gold Coast Colony, the administration became more aggressive in pursuit of its educational policy. This was precipitated by the British purchase of the Danish property at Christiansborg in 1850 and the Dutch Elmina Castle in 1872. To help redress problems faced by the mission schoolsââ¬âsuch as training local teachers and improving the quality of educationââ¬âthe administration made grants to both the Wesleyan and Basel missions in 1874. In the Educational Ordinance of 1882, government grants to denominational schools were made dependent on an assessment of the level of efficiency. The schools receiving grant-in-aid were defined as government assisted schools, but their primary funding was to come from the missions themselves and from other private sources. On the Gold Coast, the appointment of Brigadier General Gordon Guggisberg as governor brought its own advantages. During his tenure from 1919 through 1927, Governor Guggisberg initiated several major developmental programs that included educational improvements as a critical ingredient in his construction of a modern Gold Coast. While the previous administration had seen the provision of elementary schools by the various Christian missions as adequate, Guggisberg was of the conviction that the current system could not sustain future developments. In fact, only a few months after his arrival, the governor presented a 10-year development plan for the Gold Coast. Among other things, funding was aggressively sought for post elementary education for boys and girls. Even though the administration proposed a technical college for Accra, the Prince of Wales College (now Achimota College) was the real trophy of the administrations educational program. This non denominational school catered for students from kindergarten to the pre university level. THE BIRTH OF SCIENCE EDUCATION The inadequacies inherent in the system of education were observed in the post-World War I appeal made by the Foreign Missions Conference of North America to the Phelps-Stokes Funds for a review of the state of education in Africa. The Phelps-Stokes Commission on Africa issued reports in 1922 and 1925 in which educators were criticized for inadequately catering to the social and economic needs of the continent. The commission of which James Emman Kwegyir Aggrey was a member, called for instructions in the mechanical operations necessary for the improvement of the condition of the mass majority of the people. This included science education and character training. The Phelps-Stokes funds founded in 1920, is an African Education Commission represented one of the early attempts to link black Africa with Negro America. The attempt to forge this link represented a concerted policy on the part of a number of missionary and philanthropic groups in the United Kingdom and the United States to draw attention to what seemed to be analogous situations-politically, socially, and economically. Ghana is said to be the first independent sub-Saharan African country outside South Africa to embark on a comprehensive drive to promote science education and the application of science in industrial and social development (Anamuah-Mensah, 1999). Science Education after Independence After Phelps- stokes commission had pushed for the birth of science education in Africa in general and in particular, Gold Coast, there has not been any clear cut national policy for science education in Ghana up to date (Ahmed, 2013). Dr Kwame Nkrumah who aimed at achieving Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education instituted an Act called 1961 Act, (Act 87) . This Act was to make Basic education free and Compulsory and anyone who fails to send his or her child to school was made to pay a fund by the Minister for education. The education system at that point consisted of six year of primary education, followed by four-years of secondary education. At the end of the four years suitable students went on to do a two-year sixth form course that could lead to a three year University course. Students, who were not suitable to continue, completed two- year of pre-vocational classes. The Nkrumah government encouraged the learning of science by instituting a special scholarship scheme which enabled science and agriculture undergraduates to enjoy scholarships a little higher than those of their counterparts in the humanities. This facility was withdrawn after 1966. Science and mathematics teachers were also paid a little more than their colleagues in the humanities. (Djangmah, 2007) The Reforms The seven year development plan instituted by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was short lived. The system was later regarded as too long and too academic. Thus Dzobo Education Reforms of 1974 saw a reform of the system, instating the Junior Secondary School (now Junior High School) on an experimental basis. The Junior Secondary School introduced practical subjects and activities allowing students to acquire occupational skills, which after an apprenticeship lead to the qualification for self-employment. Due to a wide range of factors such as the economic decline, bureaucracy and sheer lack of interest the JSS-system never went beyond the experimental phase. By 1983 the education system was in a state of crisis. It faced drastic reductions in Government financing, lack of educational materials, and deterioration of school structures, low enrollment levels and high dropout rates. With the assistance of several development partners (World Bank, Department for International Development (ODA) and international grants) the education system was reviewed and proposals were implemented in 1987 known as Evans-Anfom reforms. In 1987, Ghanas Ministry of Education introduced a restructured educational system that gradually replaced the British-based O-level and A-level system. The transition was completed in June, 1996, when the last class took A-level exams. The last O-level exams were administered in June 1994, although a remedial exam was offered through 1999 (Keteku, 2013) The 1987 Reforms had strengths as well as weaknesses. One of the strengths was that it provided a comprehensive Basic Education which improved access to education for more children of school-going age. Junior Secondary Schools were provided throughout the country and this helped to increase literacy levels. The reform also introduced Continuous Assessment which formed part of the final examination. This ensured that internal assessment in schools was included in the final examinations and this ended the single-shot examination existing in the old system. The Anamuah-Mensah Report recommended similar structure of education just like the Evans-Anfom Report of 1986. The difference was the inclusion of two (2) years of Kindergarten education as part of Basic Education and Apprenticeship training for leavers of the Junior Secondary School who unable to or do not want to continue in the formal sector. The implementation of the Anamuah-Mensah Reforms began in September 2007, and it was faced with initial problems. These problems included delay in the supply of syllabuses and textbooks for the smooth take-off of the programme, and teachers were not adequately prepared in terms of training to implement the reforms. These problems were later dealt with as the implementation of the reforms progressed. The next major problem being anticipated is the inadequate classrooms and other facilities as students will enter the fourth year of Senior High School in September 2010. The Way Forward For Science Education Promotion of science education in the country will depend on three drivers of change, namely, funding, teaching and interventions, and research (Akyeampong ,2007) Funding Knowledge is not cheap. Science, technology and mathematics knowledge required to move the country into the knowledge society can never be cheap. Governmentââ¬â¢s commitment to science education should be demonstrated in the level of resources allocated to science and technology. Laboratories and workshops in the schools, teacher training colleges, universities and polytechnics should be well equipped and new ones constructed to take into consideration the increasing student population. Research The knowledge society thrives on the creation of new knowledge. Research provides the means by which new knowledge is created. Resources, both material and human, for research in science and technology are woefully inadequate or non-existent. This has had a profound effect on the development of post graduate research in the universities. A number of measures need to be taken to strengthen research in science and technology in order to meet the demands of the country. The following are being suggested: â⬠¢Research in research institutions and the universities should be adequately funded. â⬠¢Most researches carried out in the universities are those that interest the researchers and are hence supply-driven; the Government should challenge our scientists and provide funds to carry out research on problems confronting the country. This can be done through the provision of research funds to be competed for by all scientists in the country. â⬠¢Establish a National Science Research Facilities Centre equipped with world class specialized facilities which are normally expensive and therefore beyond the means of single institutions, to provide opportunities for Ghanaian researchers to carry out scientific research and development and retain local researchers as well as attract foreign ones. â⬠¢To improve the quality of science education at all levels, research in science and technology should include research on teaching and learning science, technology and mathematics. â⬠¢Institute special awards for best researchers and science teachers. This could be termed the Presidentââ¬â¢s Award for Science to be given annually. We need to celebrate achievement. â⬠¢Set up a formal scheme for mentoring the Youth- This is critical to the development of a career path in science for the youth. Mentors excite interest in junior colleagues and help them to ââ¬Å"walk the pathâ⬠. This experience is however rare in the universities. These days, newly recruited scientists struggle to keep afloat with little or no support. A formal mentoring system should be established in all institutions to ensure that young scientists recruited into the universities or research institutions are attached to professors and senior scientists in their fields of study to receive advice and support. The mentoring can take the form of joint research, publications and presentations at conferences and seminars. â⬠¢To raise the level of awareness of science and technology innovation (research) and foster a synergy among education, industry and research institutes, a project referred to as SMART MOVES in some countries should be established in secondary schools. This project will involve encouraging schools through visits, presentations and seminars to work on problem solving projects with support from the community. The projects will be assessed and students with innovative and creative projects will be invited to present their projects at a Junior Scientist Conference which will be attended by senior scientists who can later act as mentors for the students. Prizes will be given to students based on the quality of project and presentation. The Ghana Academy of Science and Arts can take up this. Conclusion The vision of the National Science and Technology Policy is: ââ¬Å"to support national socio-economic development goals with a view to lifting Ghana to a middle income status by the year 2020 through the perpetuation of a science and technology culture at all the levels of society, which is driven by the promotion of innovation and the mastery of known and proven technologies and their application in industry, and other sectors of the economyâ⬠. (MEST, 2000) This vision can become a reality when science education is given a boost at all levels of education. It has been suggested that the promotion of science education hinges on three pillars ââ¬â funding, teaching and intervention, and research. Without adequate funding, quality teachers, supportive intervention activities and research to illuminate our understanding, science education will have no impact on the everyday lives of Ghanaians; and the observation made by the National Development Planning Commission will remain true. Our national vision for science and technology will be therefore be meaningless. REFERENCES Ahmed, M. (2012). Ghana to launch National Science policy. Retrieved 4th October, 2013, from http://www. ghanaweb. com/GhanaHomePage/NewsArchive/artikel. php? ID=235350. Akpan, O. E. (1992) Toward Creative Science teaching and learning in West African school. Ghana: catholic Press Akyeampong, K. (Centre for International Education, University of Sussex, England) in his lecture on ââ¬Å"50 Years of Educational Progress and Challenge in Ghanaâ⬠, at Parliament House, London, England; 2007 Anamuah-Mensah, J. (1999). Science and Technology Education in Ghana. A paper delivered at the National education Forum on the theme: Towards Sustaining an Effective National Education System, held at the Accra International Conference Centre, Accra, 17-19th November. Anum-Odoom, A. K. M . Educational Reforms in Ghana, 1974-2007. Retrieved on 12th October, 2013, from http://www. ghanaweb. com/GhanaHomePage/blogs/blog. article. php? blog=2091ID=1000004125- Djangmah, J. S. Clarifying Ghanaââ¬â¢s national vision for the application of science and technology to development. Retrieved on 12th October, 2013, from http://www. ghanansem. org/index. php? option=com_contenttask=viewid=234 Keteku, N. W (EDUCATIONAL REFORM IN GHANA: THE SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL). Retrieved 10th October, 2013, from http://www. bibl. u-szeged. hu/oseas_adsec/ghana. htm Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology (MEST) (2000). National Science and Technology Policy Document. Accra: MEST.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Strategies to Develop Health Literacy
Strategies to Develop Health Literacy Table of Contents 1. Introduction about health literacy 2. Relation between primary healthcare and health literacy 3. Health literacy related to elders 4. Health literacy related to diabetes specifically in elders 5. Conclusion 6. References 1. Introduction about health literacy Many citizens have problem in understanding the information about issues related to health. About 9 /10 persons have some problems with awareness related to health. Health literacy is the aptitude to acquire the health information anyone require and to be aware of it. It is also relating to the information to generate good decisions about his physical condition and medical care. Low health literacy can destruct your fitness. On a daily basis, people tackle situations that involve life-changing decisions about their health. These conclusions are ended in places such as grocery and medication supplies, workplaces, playgrounds, doctors place of works, and hospitals (Safeer Keenan, 2005). Obtaining, communicating, dispensation, and understanding healthiness information and services are necessary steps in making suitable health decisions; however, many research activities indicates that nowadays health information is presented in modes that are not exploitable by most grown persons. Inad equate health literacy happens when people cant locate and utilize the health information and examinations they require. As the idea of health literacy has developed, there has been heterogeneity in its meaning and its understanding regarding how it communicates to health. More freshly, there has been superior emphasis on the viewpoint that health literacy stand for not only the expertise required by an person to route health based information, but also the claims of the health scheme in terms of the deliverance of instructions (St Leger, 2001). Pathetic health literacy competencies resulted in less healthy options, riskier behavior, poor health, with a reduction of self-management and further hospitalization. They considerably drain human plus financial sources in the health organization. Policy act to tackle the health literacy disaster has been sluggish to materialize at all stages. This article aims to assist to change this condition. The series of proof presented sustains a wider idea of health literacy that believes both a personal level of health literacy as well as the complexities of the circumstances within which person act (DeWalt, 2005). Assessment of health literacy in clinical practice stays a source of dispute. It has been recommended that we ought to practice ââ¬Ëuniversal safety measuresââ¬â¢ and stick to clear communication approaches that every patients can employ effectively. Additionally, it is significant to distinguish that deprived literacy handiness are often linked with sturdy feelings of disg race and awkwardness for patients. Considering this fear, more recent support has been to assess patientââ¬â¢s knowledge and literacy abilities and, during organizational tactics, to provide essential psychosomatic plus emotional supports, remembering that dipping the claims of our ââ¬Ësystemââ¬â¢ is at the center of improving health related literacy (Baur, 2010). 2. Relation between primary healthcare and health literacy A primary health scheme that is suitable and universally available needs an active schedule based on investigation of approaches to tackle low health literacy, whereas health care givers should be attentive to the extensive troubles of health literacy which cover all age stages. Primary health care is a wide field that includes health endorsement, illness avoidance, care of the unwell, support and community progress (Keleher Hagger, 2007). The primary health division comprises a variety of services including common practice, society and womenââ¬â¢s health checks, and government plus non-government services. It is closely associated with a variety of community-based public support and wellbeing sectors. 3. Health literacy related to elders The disputes of making logic of health information are particularly huge for the increasing fraction of natives aged 65 years and elder. Older grown-ups have more persistent illnesses and exercise more health care facilities than other sections of the people, and they face exclusive issues associated to physical plus cognitive performance that can compose it hard for them to locate and use suitable health information. The share of the elderly plus very old in the people of developed countries is increasing quickly. These persons have more sicknesses than younger group and use a uneven share of prescription and OTC (over-the-counter) drugs. These issues, mutual with age-related alters in pharmacokinetics plus pharmacodynamics, compose the elderly people in whom medicine use is particularly probable to be marred by grave adverse consequences and drug-drug interactions. They consequently should obtain medicines only when totally essential for well-defined signs and at the lowest efficie nt doses. Prospectively described end tips, suitable supervision of drug levels, and repeated appraisals of the patients medicine record, with discontinuation of those medicines that did not realize the wanted end point, would really get better the health of the old population (Wolf, Gazmararian, Baker, 2005). 4. Health literacy related to diabetes specifically in elders Older persons and their caregivers require dependable health information to stop and supervise disease, endorse their health plus follow public health advices and cautions. Yet, dissimilarities in access to proper teaching and literacy guidance, the difficulty and technological life of physical condition information, and the usual processes of age may compromise elder adults capability to employ health information and construct logic of messages. The trade of multifaceted fitness information between patients, contributors, health associations and the community is often explained as health literacy (Cavanaugh, 2011). In diabetes, health literacy is connected to diabetes information, self-efficiency and self-care performances and glycemic organize. Health literacy can also offer a better perception of ethnic disparities scrutinized in persons with diabetes. The various strategies to tackle health literacy, based on this perceptive of its responsibility give a means to advance diabetes care.It is necessary that patients suffering with diabetes have a kind of the symptoms of hyperglycemia and how to correctly self-administer medicines to manage diabetes. Poor health literacy has been always linked with bad diabetes information in a diversity of settings with hospitalized elder patients. Self-effectiveness of diabetes care has been considerably linked with self-care conducts and glycemic management. Using a diversity of tools, numerous earlier studies have inspected health literacy and diabetes control (Kim, Love, Quistberg, Shea, 2004). While health literacy has been linked with a lot of health performances, there has been modest proof till date from patients suffering with diabetes. Assessments of health literacy have not passed to reveal significant alliances with devotion to diet, blood glucose monitoring under customary care conditions. Given that medicine management is elementary to diabetes concern. Further research is required to make a decision the extent of impact that health literacy proficiency may have on this significant self-care performance. Recognizing that poor health literacy is general and linked with many aspects of diabetes care ââ¬â counting significant outcomes and strategies to tackle health literacy have been expanded, checked and promoted. The base of these suggested strategies rests with the values of obvious health communication, including evaluation of understanding, emphasizing not many key tips and using efficient printed materials (Funnell et al., 2012). 5. Conclusion We can do a great deal better in design and present health information that persons can use efficiently. We can construct our individual health literacy abilities and assist othersââ¬âsociety members, health experts, and anybody else who converses about physical conditionââ¬âconstruct their skills also. Every association engaged in health in order and checks requires its own health literacy arrangement to get better its managerial practices. The sources will assist you learn about health literacy questions, extend skills, generate an action arrangement, and relate what to learn to make physical condition information and checks that truthfully make a optimistic dissimilarity in peoples lives. Understanding the association among health literacy behaviors should improve attempts to advance diabetes conclusions. Expanding educational agendas for patients with poor literacy may decrease difference in diabetes results connected to literacy position. 6. References Baur, C. (2010). National Action Plan to Improve Health Literacy: US Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Cavanaugh, K. L. (2011). Health literacy in diabetes care: explanation, evidence and equipment. Diabetes Management, 1(2), 191-199. DeWalt, D. A. (2005). Health literacy from A to Z: Practical ways to communicate your health message. Preventing Chronic Disease [Electronic Resource], 2(2). Funnell, M. M., Brown, T. L., Childs, B. P., Haas, L. B., Hosey, G. M., Jensen, B., et al. (2012). National standards for diabetes self-management education. Diabetes Care, 35(Supplement 1), S101-S108. Keleher, H., Hagger, V. (2007). Health literacy in primary health care. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 13(2), 24-30. Kim, S., Love, F., Quistberg, D. A., Shea, J. A. (2004). Association of health literacy with self-management behavior in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27(12), 2980-2982. Safeer, R. S., Keenan, J. (2005). Health literacy: the gap between physicians and patients. American family physician, 72(3). St Leger, L. (2001). Schools, health literacy and public health: possibilities and challenges. Health promotion international, 16(2), 197-205. Wolf, M. S., Gazmararian, J. A., Baker, D. W. (2005). Health literacy and functional health status among older adults. Archives of Internal Medicine, 165(17), 1946-1952.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Great Chicago Fire Essay -- American History
Great Chicago Fire I have no passion or desire to write about a thunderous destruction of a city or the death of hundreds of people. Yes, I have no connection to this topic, besides my home being 30 minutes from downtown Chicago, but that does not mean that this fire does not pertain to me or anyone who lives in a completely different state for that matter. So, just because I have never experienced a disaster of this magnitude does not mean that my lips should stay shut regarding the topic of the Great Chicago Fire. What must be done is to look at events and, for that matter, life in a certain perspective that is not always one-sided. This one-sidedness can come from focusing on a particular outcome without realizing what else can come from that desired outcome. The Great Chicago Fire occurred during October 8th and 9th of 1871. The weeks leading up to this disaster were spent with an extremely watchful eye on the city due to the lack of rain. So, one spark or one small fire could start an extremely large fire because of how much wood had been used to build the city. There were even warnings given in form of a building inspection department idea that would inform the city that the buildings were ââ¬Å"shoddily constructed firetrapsâ⬠, according to the Tribune at the time. However, the city did nothing about the proposed problem of a dangerous fire breakout and paid the price. It came to the evening of October 8th, 1871 and the table had been set. It is still unclear how the fire had started because one newspaper claimed that a cow kicked over a lantern to start a barn on fire. However, that newspaper retracted their claims when charges of slander surfaced. The fact of the matter is, it started on t... ...ou are not heading down the life path that you had wanted since you were young. You would have a chance to go ahead and change your life and your happiness simply because you got canned. Obviously, if you did not get fired you would not have had that chance to sit back and realize your life is sliding away in the wrong direction. Indeed, that is a very extreme example of how this question would apply to everyday life, but it works with those events of the simplest nature too. If one looks at disasters in this way, it is much easy for it to be rationalized. How do people who do not believe in a God and its plan for everyone deal with the fact that so many people perished from one act. There is no good reason for mass amounts of people to die, but if something greater comes from it regarding the well-being of many more people it makes it more bearable.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay --
Things fall a part is an outstanding African literature. The author of the novel is Chinua Achebe and presents the culture, society and history of Ibo community. The novel presents the Ibo community as a native African community and brings about the comparison between the community and Christianity. With the introduction of Christianity, the Ibo community was confused since the missionaries wanted them to adapt Christianity and abandon their cultural beliefs and practices (Rhoads 68). An analysis of cultural beliefs and practices of the community, the difference between Ibo and Christianity way of life as well as issues surrounding one of key characters can assist in understanding the content of the novel. The Ibo community practices polytheism; they belief and worship more than one god. The community believes that there is a supreme god known as Chukwu who created the universe and other gods. According to one of the members of the community, Okonkwo, they worship other small gods and when they do not respond accordingly, they turn to the supreme god. Ibo have curved wood which they use as a symbol to represent their gods (Achebe 72). This is because of the fact that they believe in physical god. They also worship the Oracle Hills and Caves as sacred places where their goods lived. The community allowed the practice of polygamy. In this case, men can marry as many wives as they can maintain. Those with many wives were respected and honored members of the community. Okonkwo who is a main character in the novel had many wives and this was as a symbol of strength. In such a family set-up, the man lived in a separate house from all his wives. Each wife had a house of her own where she lived with her children. This was aimed at enhan... ...e committed suicide. The act of committing suicide was not the best option for Okonkwo. This is because he was still energetic and his family was still in need of his support. I would have not committed suicide if I was him. He had done a lot to raise his wealth from scratch and should have waited to enjoy the fruits of the hard work. In conclusion, Things Fall a part is a representation of the differences between an African community and missionaries. The missionaries believed that Christianity and formal education were superior over traditions and hence the Ibo people were to be converted. The conflict which comes about due to the resistance from some members of the community demonstrates how incompatible the two cultural practices are. The title can be related by the situation where Okonkwo,Ã could not hold it more to see how things have fallen in the community.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Problem With Modern Education Essay -- essays research papers fc
The Problem With Modern Education à à à à à Mark Edmundson provides a graphic portrayal of his opinion of college students and professors. He states that after the baby boom, ââ¬Å"College became a buyers market. What students and their parents wanted had to be taken more and more into account. That usually meant creating more comfortable, less challenging environments, places where almost no one failed, everything was enjoyable, and everyone was niceâ⬠(Edmundson 153). Other authors, such as Brent Staples and John Holt also support this opinion. à à à à à The belief that college professors are getting soft and students are getting lazy is not a new idea. These thoughts have been progressing towards their current state since the late 1980ââ¬â¢s. Brent Staples believes that many college departments, especially those in the humanities, shower students with higher grades in order to keep low-demand classes at the minimum enrollment. ââ¬Å"As a result of the universityââ¬â¢s widening elective leeway, students have more power over teachersâ⬠(Edmundson 153). For example, at Drexel University, and many universities across the country, they are doing away with tenure and more and more professors are part-time, and have no security in their job. This leads to professors tailoring their instruction to what the student, the ââ¬Å"consumerâ⬠wants and needs. à à à à à Though the pressure on the professors to lower standards is very strong, there is ...
Monday, September 16, 2019
Greed â⬠Good or Bad? Essay
ââ¬Å"Greed captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.â⬠(Michael Douglas, Wall Street). The very idea of greed carries a negative connotation, however, does it drive the economy to bigger and better things? I think so, because without greed, people wouldnââ¬â¢t have a lust to create bigger, better, more efficient products. Greed causes competition of companies, every company wants to be rated #1 by consumers, and itââ¬â¢s that greed that leads to more productivity and innovation. Nearly everyone wants to get at least one thing that they donââ¬â¢t have, and to want that new car, new house, new computer, new bike, or whatever it is, the majority of people are willing to do almost whatever it takes to get it, that itself is greed. And greed feeds the American economy and keeps it going, greed leads to expansion in foreign trade and creates business opportunities. It causes an expansion of trade because people are willing to trade with other countries for goods that we our self canââ¬â¢t produce, or that can be produced cheaper. Greed is one of the most powerful tools in America; however, some would argue that greed is a bad thing because it leads to scandals and crime. This can be true, however, greed is used productively more often than not. Greed isnââ¬â¢t only good for business owners or producers; itââ¬â¢s good for everyone because it motivates everyone to strive for better things. Greed is the driving force of the economic world, and if everyone had the same financial, social, and political status, no one would care to strive for a better life. Rich people are not greedy in fact; they donate more to the ââ¬Å"unfortunateâ⬠ones than any other class of people in America. Greed is especially a driving force in the American economy because everybody in America wants to get rich. Some people say greed is a necessary evil, I say it makes America the powerful country it is today, and gives everyone the dreams of making it big.
Nsd 225 Study Guide
Review for test #3 1. Calcium is not well absorbedless that 30% 2. A major mineral means you need more of it. 3. The six major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chlorine. The rest are trace minerals, which are not less important, but you just need them in less amounts. 4. Minerals are 0 calories. 5. The best source of iron is beef, liver, or meat. 6. The best source of zinc is beef, liver, or meat. 7. Vitamin C will help you absorb iron twice as much (double the absorption). 8. Sea salt, they say, contains iodide, but it is silly to pay more and get nothing extra for it.Sea salt is not better than table saltiodine leaves as a gas (sublimes from solid to gas form). 9. We need iodide to make thyroid hormone, which is important because it influences our overall metabolism. Also, if you donââ¬â¢t have enough iron, you will be fatigued, and children that are deficient wonââ¬â¢t grow. Finally, you need it to prevent goiter, an enlargement of the thyr oid (around the Great Lakes and west = the goiter belts). 10. The major function of zinc: for many enzymes systems to work, for sexual maturation and growth, for wound healing, for protein metabolism and immune system. 1. Fluoride deficiency will result in dental caries (holes in teeth). 12. There is 500 mg of calcium carbonate in Tums, but since calcium carbonate is only composed of 40% calcium, there is 200 mg of pure calcium in Tums. 13. Iron is VERY POORLY absorbed; only 5-10% of iron is absorbed by normal adults. 14. The best source of potassium is potatoes. 15. If you donââ¬â¢t have enough potassium, it may result in cardiac arrest or an irregular heartbeat (death) [also caused by too much]. 16.The major function of magnesium that it is needed as part of bones and part of muscle; also, it is an activator of more than 300 enzymes, and itââ¬â¢s necessary to maintain electrical potential of nerve and muscle and for transmission of never impulses. 17. The major function of c hromium is that it acts as a cofactor for insulin, which is needed for maintaining normal glucose metabolism (chromium in humans declines with age). 18. Phosphorus is present in all foods especially milk and milk products and liver and other animal-food protein sources. About half the phosphorus in the USA diet comes from milk, meat, poultry, and fish. 9. The main sodium food source is table salt. Only 10% of salt intake comes from natural content of foods, 15% is from salt added during cooking and at table, and 75% from salt added during processing and manufacturing. 20. To decrease high blood pressure, lose weight. Also, eating salt doesnââ¬â¢t help for high blood pressure. 21. Folate RDA is over twice non-pregnant RDA (for increased blood supply and for growth of baby) so folate supplements are often prescribed. Also, need zinc for growth, B-12 for red blood cells, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium for bones.In addition, iron supplements during pregnancy and after delivery ar e recommended (baby should have enough to last 3-6 months**); fluoride is needed for teeth to begin in the 5th month of pregnancy. Nutrients to double during pregnancyfolate and probably iron. 22. You can NOT make up nutrients from a skipped breakfast. 23. Teenagers need to snack to get nutrients. 24. Adolescents arenââ¬â¢t well fed because they are too busy, eat out with their friends, skip breakfast, poor choice of snacks, avoid milk because they falsely think it is fattening, fear of becoming fat, use of fad diets especially by girls, and girls donââ¬â¢t get enough milk,. 5. Vegetables should be added first to an infantââ¬â¢s diet (after about 4-6 months). 26. Nutrition advice for anorexia patients included increasing caloric intake slowly (start at 800-1200 kcal), balanced diet, vitamin/mineral supplements, small frequent meals, use liquid supplements if necessary, and reduce caffeine. Also, donââ¬â¢t overload food, and persuade them they are thin enough. 27. Do not drink alcohol during pregnancy because even one binge may increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome (brain damage and physical retardation in infants). 28. The biggest advantage of breast milk during pregnancy is its immune factors. 9. Parents shouldnââ¬â¢t tell children to clean their plates. 30. How do you encourage children to try new foods? 31. In order to encourage a child to eat, be positive, when they are finished take their plate (they will snack later), donââ¬â¢t tell them there are people starving, donââ¬â¢t give rewards for eating. 32. Older folks who have baby aspirin every day bleed more in the gut (gastrointestinal bleeding), so they need more iron. 33. As you age, BMR decreases, you need less food and more exercise, your appetite decreases, and usually you donââ¬â¢t get enough nutrients. 34.The primary function of water is as a solvent; it transports nutrients to cells and removes waste. Also, it lubricates joints, food in the mouth, and helps lubricate food as it moves down the digestive tracts. Water is needed in the chemical reactions of digestion and must be available for digestion to occur. Water helps regulate body temperature by secreting sweat and is a structural component of the body (it is necessary to retain the shape of cells and tissues). 35. Complex carbs are: bread, cereal, pasta, and vegetables. 36. Thirst is not an adequate guide for infants, those who are sick, and athletes. 7. 50-75% of body weight is water. 38. Hyperactivity in children is caused by caffeine, not sugar. 39. There is NO nutrient herbal preparation that will cure cancer. 40. The best advice to prevent cancer is to eat a variety of foods, get all nutrients, and help prevent too much harmful junk getting into you. 41. RDA for calcium for adults 51 and older is 1200 mg. 42. There are 300 mg of calcium in a glass of milk (it doesnââ¬â¢t matter whether it is skim, whole, 1%, or 2%). 43. Common food allergies are nuts, soy, milk, and eggs. 44. When u nder stress, the hormone cortisol produces fat. 45.A critical period during pregnancy defines a time early in pregnancy when an event happens and will never happen again. It is a certain time during development in which the event occurs that will have irreversible effects on later developmental stages (it is usually a period of cell division). 46. Colostrum contains immune factors and anti-infection that will help a baby. 47. The WIC program is a nutritional education component that takes care of people who canââ¬â¢t take care of themselves. 48. The major function of phosphorusit has more functions that any other mineral. 49. Advantages of infant formula = father can feed. 0. Your peak bone mass is from 25-30 years old. 51. 5 reasons girls get osteoporosis: girls live longer, guys drink more milk, girls get pregnant and breastfeed, girls are smaller (have smaller bones). 1. Iron is NOT a major mineral. 2. Females need more ironââ¬âit is almost impossible for females to eat a diet providing the RDA for iron and stay within 2000 kcal. 3. Iron deficiency anemia may be the most prevalent deficiency disease in humans. 4. PICA = eating non-food items (laundry starch, clay, ice cubes), may denote low iron intake 5. OJ would help you absorb more iron from your diet (double the absorption). . Iodide toxicity also results in goiter. 7. Copper deficiency hardly ever happens. 8. Fluoride is not essential, but is essential for teeth. 9. Chromium deficiency results in impaired glucose tolerance. 10. Sodium has a small role in high blood pressure. 11. Monosodiumglutamate (MSG) adds sodium big time. 12. The major function of iron is that it is a constituent of hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle. Also, iron is essential in transportation of oxygen from lungs to tissues and itââ¬â¢s needed for oxidation-reduction reactions. 13. Minerals are essential, but do not provide energy (no calories).Many are needed to make body structures such as bones, need ed as activators for enzyme systems, and they are poorly absorbed and can definitely be harmful if taken in excess. 14. 99% of calcium is in the bone with 1% in body fluids. 15. Dairy council said calcium may have an effect on weight loss. 16. Phyates acid in seeds, nuts, and grain decrease calcium absorption. 17. Females do not have enough calcium! 18. You MUST get enough calcium from childhood to age 25. 19. Calcium is enriched in some sources such as OJ and bread. 20. Most people donââ¬â¢t know whatââ¬â¢s in the supplements they take. 1. 10 million Americans over 50 have osteoporosis, 1. 5 million have a bone fracture, 1 in 5 who have a hip fracture die. Women lose 6 inches from osteoporosis. 22. Phosphorus in excess in the diet probably does not negatively affect calcium absorption. The problem is that high carbonated beverages/soda take the place of milk intake. 23. The FDA cited over 18 manufacturers of Coral Calcium for making false claims that the supplement is a cure- allthe U. S. Marshalls seized $26 million worth. 24. Phosphorus is an essential component of bone mineral, where it occurs in the Ca:P of 2:1.About 85% of the phosphorus in the adult body is found in bone. Phosphorus is absorbed very well by the small intestine as free phosphate. 25. Availability of phosphorus in grains, especially bran, is doubtful because of phytates in grain which will bind with phosphorus. 26. 4 functions of calcium: bone formation, response to nerves, blood clotting, normal rhythm of heartbeat. 27. Functions of phosphorus (more functions than any other mineral): absorption of glucose, transport of fatty acids, buffering system. 28. Phosphorus is very well absorbed70% 29.Functions of magnesium: bones, muscle, enzyme activator, electrical impulse. 30. Americans age 15-24 have a HIGHER death rate than 20 years ago, not nutrition related but due to violent death and injury, alcohol and drug abuse, unwanted pregnancies, STDs. 31. By 18 months, the brain growth is 90 % complete and by 10 years, 95% complete, so there is no real adolescent spurt in head circumference. 32. The two major complications related to teenage pregnancy are low birth weight infants (LBW) and pre-eclampsia, which is toxemia of pregnancy characterized by hbp, albuminuria, edema of feet and legs. 33.Over 90% of adolescents snack. 34. Thereââ¬â¢s NO scientific evidence that foods such as chocolate, soft drinks, or peanut butter cause acne. 35. Peer pressure influences eating behavior. 36. Eating disorders increase among college-aged females and ballet dancers because they want to be in control. 37. Eating disorders should not be treated by amateursââ¬âyou need a team of health professionals: psychiatrist, dietitian, physician. 38. No particular nutrient of type of food can retard the aging process. 39. Buillion is clear soupââ¬âno nutritional value. 40. Stories of unusual longevity in other countries were found to be untrue. 1. Lactose intolerance = eat cheese, yog urt, or lactaid milk. 42. The elderly need to either increase calories or decrease calories, depending upon whether they are skinny or fat. 43. As you age, basal metabolic rate decreases each decade after maturity (you need less calories to stay alive, need to move more). 44. No RDA for 100 year olds, only for 70 and under. 45. Dehydration is the worst thing for you because you can die from it, especially athletes. 46. Infant birthweight is the single most important indicator of the infantââ¬â¢s future health status.A low birthweight (LBW) baby is defined as weighing less than 5. 5 lbs. 47. Risk factors for pregnancy include heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, age 15 or under, among others. 48. You need . 4 mg of folic acid/day (pregnancy). 49. Effects of nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy include: calories (low infant birthweight), vitamin D (LBW), folate (miscarriage and neural tube defectââ¬âbrain and spinal cord defects) 50. During pregnancy, women should be under the care of a health professional. 51. One of the smallest increases recommended is for energy.Pregnancy requires only 300 extra kcal per day during the 2md and 3rd trimesters. 52. During pregnancy, women should select foods of high nutrient density. 53. Weight gain should be in second half of pregnancy. 54. 25-30 lbs. = total weight gain for pregnant women. 55. Practices to avoid during pregnancy: limit caffeine, stop smoking, do not take any prescribed medications, do not use street drugs, do not diet, do not drink alcohol. 56. Advantages of breast feeding: nutritionally superior to any alternative, contains a variety of anti-infectious factors and immune cells, motherââ¬â¢s uterus shrinks faster. 57.Colostrum: a yellow milk-like secretion from the breast, rich in protective factors that comes into the breast before milk is ready for secretion. It starts in first day or soââ¬âmay be present for up to 2 weeks. 58. The infant doubles his/her birth weight in the first 3 to 4 months; tr iples before year one. 59. For the first four months, 1/3 of the calories are needed for growth. During 4-12 months, the baby needs 10% or less for growth and the rest for activity. 60. Start new foods one at a time so that allergies can be detected. Rice cereal is usually started first mixed with formula to make it very dilute. 1. Never feed honey to an infant since honey may contain botulina spores. 62. Donââ¬â¢t feed baby skim milkbabies need calories and the fat for growth. 63. Age infants should start having table food = 1 year. 64. Reducing the risk of cancer = eat cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips, brussel sprouts). 65. Red wine MIGHT help cancer (not sure). 66. Exercise when you are feeling stressedprevent cortisol from building up body fat. 67. Men eat less during stress and women eat more. 68. Mild depression or chronic stress harms immunity. 69.There is a link between stress and the urge to eat. 70. Over 75-90% of all doctorââ¬â¢s office visit s are for stress-related ailments and complaints. 71. Water is the most important nutrient. 72. You can live 30 days without food, but only 3 days without water (except in the desertless). 73. The average adultââ¬â¢s body weight is from 50-60% water, most controlled by hormones. 74. Thereââ¬â¢s no RDA for water. Sources of water include most beverages except those containing alcohol and caffeine; fruits and vegetables are 75% to 96% or more water, bread is 36% water, beef is 72% water. 5. Much water is lost through the skin, which cools the skin by evaporation. 76. Weight loss of over 20% by water leads to death. 77. Water intoxication is rarely seen in healthy people. 78. High altitude = low oxygenneed more water. 79. There is low chlorine in bottled water. 80. Football players in summer practice may lose 6-8% of body weight by water. 81. Drinks with more than 10% sugar wonââ¬â¢t get into the body as fast (Gatorade has about 10% sugar). 82. You lose water through breathing out, sweating, and through excretions. Nsd 225 Study Guide Review for test #3 1. Calcium is not well absorbedless that 30% 2. A major mineral means you need more of it. 3. The six major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, and chlorine. The rest are trace minerals, which are not less important, but you just need them in less amounts. 4. Minerals are 0 calories. 5. The best source of iron is beef, liver, or meat. 6. The best source of zinc is beef, liver, or meat. 7. Vitamin C will help you absorb iron twice as much (double the absorption). 8. Sea salt, they say, contains iodide, but it is silly to pay more and get nothing extra for it.Sea salt is not better than table saltiodine leaves as a gas (sublimes from solid to gas form). 9. We need iodide to make thyroid hormone, which is important because it influences our overall metabolism. Also, if you donââ¬â¢t have enough iron, you will be fatigued, and children that are deficient wonââ¬â¢t grow. Finally, you need it to prevent goiter, an enlargement of the thyr oid (around the Great Lakes and west = the goiter belts). 10. The major function of zinc: for many enzymes systems to work, for sexual maturation and growth, for wound healing, for protein metabolism and immune system. 1. Fluoride deficiency will result in dental caries (holes in teeth). 12. There is 500 mg of calcium carbonate in Tums, but since calcium carbonate is only composed of 40% calcium, there is 200 mg of pure calcium in Tums. 13. Iron is VERY POORLY absorbed; only 5-10% of iron is absorbed by normal adults. 14. The best source of potassium is potatoes. 15. If you donââ¬â¢t have enough potassium, it may result in cardiac arrest or an irregular heartbeat (death) [also caused by too much]. 16.The major function of magnesium that it is needed as part of bones and part of muscle; also, it is an activator of more than 300 enzymes, and itââ¬â¢s necessary to maintain electrical potential of nerve and muscle and for transmission of never impulses. 17. The major function of c hromium is that it acts as a cofactor for insulin, which is needed for maintaining normal glucose metabolism (chromium in humans declines with age). 18. Phosphorus is present in all foods especially milk and milk products and liver and other animal-food protein sources. About half the phosphorus in the USA diet comes from milk, meat, poultry, and fish. 9. The main sodium food source is table salt. Only 10% of salt intake comes from natural content of foods, 15% is from salt added during cooking and at table, and 75% from salt added during processing and manufacturing. 20. To decrease high blood pressure, lose weight. Also, eating salt doesnââ¬â¢t help for high blood pressure. 21. Folate RDA is over twice non-pregnant RDA (for increased blood supply and for growth of baby) so folate supplements are often prescribed. Also, need zinc for growth, B-12 for red blood cells, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium for bones.In addition, iron supplements during pregnancy and after delivery ar e recommended (baby should have enough to last 3-6 months**); fluoride is needed for teeth to begin in the 5th month of pregnancy. Nutrients to double during pregnancyfolate and probably iron. 22. You can NOT make up nutrients from a skipped breakfast. 23. Teenagers need to snack to get nutrients. 24. Adolescents arenââ¬â¢t well fed because they are too busy, eat out with their friends, skip breakfast, poor choice of snacks, avoid milk because they falsely think it is fattening, fear of becoming fat, use of fad diets especially by girls, and girls donââ¬â¢t get enough milk,. 5. Vegetables should be added first to an infantââ¬â¢s diet (after about 4-6 months). 26. Nutrition advice for anorexia patients included increasing caloric intake slowly (start at 800-1200 kcal), balanced diet, vitamin/mineral supplements, small frequent meals, use liquid supplements if necessary, and reduce caffeine. Also, donââ¬â¢t overload food, and persuade them they are thin enough. 27. Do not drink alcohol during pregnancy because even one binge may increase the risk of fetal alcohol syndrome (brain damage and physical retardation in infants). 28. The biggest advantage of breast milk during pregnancy is its immune factors. 9. Parents shouldnââ¬â¢t tell children to clean their plates. 30. How do you encourage children to try new foods? 31. In order to encourage a child to eat, be positive, when they are finished take their plate (they will snack later), donââ¬â¢t tell them there are people starving, donââ¬â¢t give rewards for eating. 32. Older folks who have baby aspirin every day bleed more in the gut (gastrointestinal bleeding), so they need more iron. 33. As you age, BMR decreases, you need less food and more exercise, your appetite decreases, and usually you donââ¬â¢t get enough nutrients. 34.The primary function of water is as a solvent; it transports nutrients to cells and removes waste. Also, it lubricates joints, food in the mouth, and helps lubricate food as it moves down the digestive tracts. Water is needed in the chemical reactions of digestion and must be available for digestion to occur. Water helps regulate body temperature by secreting sweat and is a structural component of the body (it is necessary to retain the shape of cells and tissues). 35. Complex carbs are: bread, cereal, pasta, and vegetables. 36. Thirst is not an adequate guide for infants, those who are sick, and athletes. 7. 50-75% of body weight is water. 38. Hyperactivity in children is caused by caffeine, not sugar. 39. There is NO nutrient herbal preparation that will cure cancer. 40. The best advice to prevent cancer is to eat a variety of foods, get all nutrients, and help prevent too much harmful junk getting into you. 41. RDA for calcium for adults 51 and older is 1200 mg. 42. There are 300 mg of calcium in a glass of milk (it doesnââ¬â¢t matter whether it is skim, whole, 1%, or 2%). 43. Common food allergies are nuts, soy, milk, and eggs. 44. When u nder stress, the hormone cortisol produces fat. 45.A critical period during pregnancy defines a time early in pregnancy when an event happens and will never happen again. It is a certain time during development in which the event occurs that will have irreversible effects on later developmental stages (it is usually a period of cell division). 46. Colostrum contains immune factors and anti-infection that will help a baby. 47. The WIC program is a nutritional education component that takes care of people who canââ¬â¢t take care of themselves. 48. The major function of phosphorusit has more functions that any other mineral. 49. Advantages of infant formula = father can feed. 0. Your peak bone mass is from 25-30 years old. 51. 5 reasons girls get osteoporosis: girls live longer, guys drink more milk, girls get pregnant and breastfeed, girls are smaller (have smaller bones). 1. Iron is NOT a major mineral. 2. Females need more ironââ¬âit is almost impossible for females to eat a diet providing the RDA for iron and stay within 2000 kcal. 3. Iron deficiency anemia may be the most prevalent deficiency disease in humans. 4. PICA = eating non-food items (laundry starch, clay, ice cubes), may denote low iron intake 5. OJ would help you absorb more iron from your diet (double the absorption). . Iodide toxicity also results in goiter. 7. Copper deficiency hardly ever happens. 8. Fluoride is not essential, but is essential for teeth. 9. Chromium deficiency results in impaired glucose tolerance. 10. Sodium has a small role in high blood pressure. 11. Monosodiumglutamate (MSG) adds sodium big time. 12. The major function of iron is that it is a constituent of hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle. Also, iron is essential in transportation of oxygen from lungs to tissues and itââ¬â¢s needed for oxidation-reduction reactions. 13. Minerals are essential, but do not provide energy (no calories).Many are needed to make body structures such as bones, need ed as activators for enzyme systems, and they are poorly absorbed and can definitely be harmful if taken in excess. 14. 99% of calcium is in the bone with 1% in body fluids. 15. Dairy council said calcium may have an effect on weight loss. 16. Phyates acid in seeds, nuts, and grain decrease calcium absorption. 17. Females do not have enough calcium! 18. You MUST get enough calcium from childhood to age 25. 19. Calcium is enriched in some sources such as OJ and bread. 20. Most people donââ¬â¢t know whatââ¬â¢s in the supplements they take. 1. 10 million Americans over 50 have osteoporosis, 1. 5 million have a bone fracture, 1 in 5 who have a hip fracture die. Women lose 6 inches from osteoporosis. 22. Phosphorus in excess in the diet probably does not negatively affect calcium absorption. The problem is that high carbonated beverages/soda take the place of milk intake. 23. The FDA cited over 18 manufacturers of Coral Calcium for making false claims that the supplement is a cure- allthe U. S. Marshalls seized $26 million worth. 24. Phosphorus is an essential component of bone mineral, where it occurs in the Ca:P of 2:1.About 85% of the phosphorus in the adult body is found in bone. Phosphorus is absorbed very well by the small intestine as free phosphate. 25. Availability of phosphorus in grains, especially bran, is doubtful because of phytates in grain which will bind with phosphorus. 26. 4 functions of calcium: bone formation, response to nerves, blood clotting, normal rhythm of heartbeat. 27. Functions of phosphorus (more functions than any other mineral): absorption of glucose, transport of fatty acids, buffering system. 28. Phosphorus is very well absorbed70% 29.Functions of magnesium: bones, muscle, enzyme activator, electrical impulse. 30. Americans age 15-24 have a HIGHER death rate than 20 years ago, not nutrition related but due to violent death and injury, alcohol and drug abuse, unwanted pregnancies, STDs. 31. By 18 months, the brain growth is 90 % complete and by 10 years, 95% complete, so there is no real adolescent spurt in head circumference. 32. The two major complications related to teenage pregnancy are low birth weight infants (LBW) and pre-eclampsia, which is toxemia of pregnancy characterized by hbp, albuminuria, edema of feet and legs. 33.Over 90% of adolescents snack. 34. Thereââ¬â¢s NO scientific evidence that foods such as chocolate, soft drinks, or peanut butter cause acne. 35. Peer pressure influences eating behavior. 36. Eating disorders increase among college-aged females and ballet dancers because they want to be in control. 37. Eating disorders should not be treated by amateursââ¬âyou need a team of health professionals: psychiatrist, dietitian, physician. 38. No particular nutrient of type of food can retard the aging process. 39. Buillion is clear soupââ¬âno nutritional value. 40. Stories of unusual longevity in other countries were found to be untrue. 1. Lactose intolerance = eat cheese, yog urt, or lactaid milk. 42. The elderly need to either increase calories or decrease calories, depending upon whether they are skinny or fat. 43. As you age, basal metabolic rate decreases each decade after maturity (you need less calories to stay alive, need to move more). 44. No RDA for 100 year olds, only for 70 and under. 45. Dehydration is the worst thing for you because you can die from it, especially athletes. 46. Infant birthweight is the single most important indicator of the infantââ¬â¢s future health status.A low birthweight (LBW) baby is defined as weighing less than 5. 5 lbs. 47. Risk factors for pregnancy include heavy smoking, alcohol abuse, age 15 or under, among others. 48. You need . 4 mg of folic acid/day (pregnancy). 49. Effects of nutrient deficiencies during pregnancy include: calories (low infant birthweight), vitamin D (LBW), folate (miscarriage and neural tube defectââ¬âbrain and spinal cord defects) 50. During pregnancy, women should be under the care of a health professional. 51. One of the smallest increases recommended is for energy.Pregnancy requires only 300 extra kcal per day during the 2md and 3rd trimesters. 52. During pregnancy, women should select foods of high nutrient density. 53. Weight gain should be in second half of pregnancy. 54. 25-30 lbs. = total weight gain for pregnant women. 55. Practices to avoid during pregnancy: limit caffeine, stop smoking, do not take any prescribed medications, do not use street drugs, do not diet, do not drink alcohol. 56. Advantages of breast feeding: nutritionally superior to any alternative, contains a variety of anti-infectious factors and immune cells, motherââ¬â¢s uterus shrinks faster. 57.Colostrum: a yellow milk-like secretion from the breast, rich in protective factors that comes into the breast before milk is ready for secretion. It starts in first day or soââ¬âmay be present for up to 2 weeks. 58. The infant doubles his/her birth weight in the first 3 to 4 months; tr iples before year one. 59. For the first four months, 1/3 of the calories are needed for growth. During 4-12 months, the baby needs 10% or less for growth and the rest for activity. 60. Start new foods one at a time so that allergies can be detected. Rice cereal is usually started first mixed with formula to make it very dilute. 1. Never feed honey to an infant since honey may contain botulina spores. 62. Donââ¬â¢t feed baby skim milkbabies need calories and the fat for growth. 63. Age infants should start having table food = 1 year. 64. Reducing the risk of cancer = eat cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips, brussel sprouts). 65. Red wine MIGHT help cancer (not sure). 66. Exercise when you are feeling stressedprevent cortisol from building up body fat. 67. Men eat less during stress and women eat more. 68. Mild depression or chronic stress harms immunity. 69.There is a link between stress and the urge to eat. 70. Over 75-90% of all doctorââ¬â¢s office visit s are for stress-related ailments and complaints. 71. Water is the most important nutrient. 72. You can live 30 days without food, but only 3 days without water (except in the desertless). 73. The average adultââ¬â¢s body weight is from 50-60% water, most controlled by hormones. 74. Thereââ¬â¢s no RDA for water. Sources of water include most beverages except those containing alcohol and caffeine; fruits and vegetables are 75% to 96% or more water, bread is 36% water, beef is 72% water. 5. Much water is lost through the skin, which cools the skin by evaporation. 76. Weight loss of over 20% by water leads to death. 77. Water intoxication is rarely seen in healthy people. 78. High altitude = low oxygenneed more water. 79. There is low chlorine in bottled water. 80. Football players in summer practice may lose 6-8% of body weight by water. 81. Drinks with more than 10% sugar wonââ¬â¢t get into the body as fast (Gatorade has about 10% sugar). 82. You lose water through breathing out, sweating, and through excretions.
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